Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mommy Update

Dropping in for a quick update. Things at Casa de Wotring are great!  The little one is sleeping like a champ, getting better every day with the bottle and continuing to steal her mom and dad's hearts!

I had my six week post-partum doctor's appointment last week. It went well and the doctor said she was recently telling my labor & delivery story to someone who didn't think it was possible to be induced on pitocin and still have a drug-free birth. Made me feel like a tough woman!

Short and slow but it happened!

I was given the all clear to resume exercise so I ventured on my first run a few days later. Nothing to write home about but it felt good to sweat and push myself. A friend told me about a running group for mom's in Vienna and I'm going to try and roll on outta bed this Saturday to meet up at 7am on the W&OD trail. Hoping I'll be able to keep up with these ladies! My understanding is they have different pace groups as well as groups that set out for 30 minute and 60 minute runs so I should be able to find the perfect group to run with.

In my quest to meet some other moms in the area, I joined the Vienna Mom's Group and went to a meet-up last night at a local Mexican restaurant. I met a bunch of moms with little ones ranging from 5 weeks to 3 years old. It was nice to get out of the house for a few hours, enjoy a margarita (!!!!) and have adult conversation. Of course I missed the little monkey and the hubs and my return was welcome since Savannah thought it would be a good night to test dad with an epic couple hours of fussiness.

She was awake and loving the first half of the baby group I promise

Savannah and I have also been spending the last several Wednesday mornings with a new mom's group led by the hospital where I delivered. It's a great group with new moms and little ones under the age of one year old. It's great to hear about both the wonderful milestones and tough issues moms and babies are going through and to learn through their experiences and seek advice and input on our journey :)

Chillin' at home

While I definitely felt a little stir crazy being stuck in the house the first few weeks we were home, I'm doing a lot better seven weeks in.  I try to get outside with Savannah and Brownie every day (so long as the weather allows) and the hubs has been great about giving me time in the evenings and weekends to get out when I need a little time to myself.

Savannah is approaching two months old so be on the lookout for an update on what's up with our little girl!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

One Month!

Savannah Marie is one month old!

I didn't intend to go so long without posting but I've been so busy staring at my baby girl all day and covering her with smooches that updating the blog hasn't even really crossed my mind.  That said, the hubs and I cannot believe how fast the past month has gone by! It really does seem like we took her home from the hospital yesterday.

Today we had our one month appointment at the doctor's and Savannah is doing really well! She weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz (50th percentile) and was 21 1/2 inches long (70th percentile) -- the hubs is happy it's looking like she got her momma's height! Her head measurement was great too and the doctor was happy to see the little bumps on her head from her sunny-side-up entrance into the world are almost gone. The little one did have to get one shot -- hepatitis B -- since we forgoed it in the hospital and she was not a fan. Luckily for baby (and mom) it was over quickly and I was able to cuddle her to help calm the poor thing down. The doctor told me she may want to be held more than usual today so I've been giving her lots of love and naps in my arms. Good for mom and baby :)

"Enough with the photos, Mom!"

The last month has been the greatest adventure ever. While we have had a few tough days/nights that have included some tears (both from mom and baby) overall we are doing great. Savannah has been a pretty good sleeper so far (knock on wood). We have had a few nights where she wanted to be up partying from 10pm to 4am (man those were some hard days that followed) and we are still occasionally having to convince her that a midnight bedtime doesn't fly in our house, but for the most part she's been going to bed around 11pm, sleeping 4ish hours and then sleeping another 3 hours after she gets fed and changed. We are shocked at how much the little monkey is growing and changing every day. She's still mostly wearing newborn clothes but has outgrown a few onsies and sleepers which makes her mom and dad sad!

Photos by mom -- 8 days old

A few things about our little monkey. Savannah loves to be swaddled, especially when she goes to sleep at night. The kitchen exhaust fan almost always puts her to sleep in minutes when coupled with some gentle swaying. For the most part she's a fan of bath time, she's pretty gassy (must get it from her dad) and she's very vocal and makes a lot of noises even in her sleep. She's also not a big crier except when she's hungry or over-tired. 

First bath on April 24th -- 17 days old!

As for Mom and Dad, we are loving life as parents to this sweet girl.  I'm turning pro in one-armed tasks like doing laundry and affixing address labels to envelopes and am close to mastering walking the dog while pushing a stroller (it's harder than it looks folks)! But seriously, nursing is going really well and I feel like I'm doing a good job at this whole mom thing. The hubs and I were even saying the other day we are surprised that we are nowhere near as tired as we expected to be (again, knock on wood)!

Family Photo -- 26 days old

Savannah (15 days old) with her amazing grandparents who are totally in love with her! 

This month we've learned...

  • Infants get the hiccups all the time.
  • It's not wise to lay baby down after a feeding or it will all come back up. 
  • Similarly, wait at least 30 minutes before loading the little one up in the stroller for a walk or the car seat will get covered in baby's lunch. 
  • Buy wipes in bulk. 
  • Being confined to your home with an infant will make you a little stir crazy and thus make you appreciate evening trips to the grocery store. 
  • Be extra thankful for family and friends that bring over food (bonus points for booze!)
  • There is such a thing as too much HGTV. 
  • Babies grow too quickly. 
  • And we never knew we could love something as much as we love our little girl!