At 21 weeks our little girl weighs around three-quarters of a pound and is about 10.5 inches long -- the size of a carrot. Her eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed and my baby app tells me it's going to feel like she's practicing martial arts in there pretty soon as her kicks and jabs become stronger. It says around this point in pregnancy a mama may start noticing patterns in her baby's activity and I could not agree more. I always feel Little Miss moving around after breakfast and in the evenings before bedtime.
21 week bump
Now that we know we are expecting a daughter, I'm feeling a lot more unprepared and anxious. I've never been a procrastinator (I'm the girl who started working on papers weeks before the due date in college) so this week has been full of researching cribs, car seats, strollers -- you name it I've been doing my homework. I've also spent some time going over sample registry lists I found online. Bless my best friend's heart, she spent about an hour going over one of them this weekend with me while we were down in Suffolk visiting. I jotted down lots of helpful notes and feel semi-ready for us to take a field trip to Babies R Us and start our registry.
Gift from Randi. Little scrapbook and month by month stickers to watch baby girl grow.
The husband must think I'm crazy right now. Actually, I know the husband thinks I'm crazy! Just about every night I came home from work this week and had a million things I wanted to tell him.
"The mamaRoo swing sits low to the ground. Do you think we need to worry about
Brownie getting too close to the baby?"
"What do you think about refurbishing a dresser for the nursery?"
"Do you like the name.......?" (insert one of a dozen names)
"There are approximately five million diaper bags out there; how are we
going to choose?"
Raymond has been super patient with his control freak wife and suggested we sit down this weekend and make a schedule of things to do over the next couple months so I feel more at ease with getting some of the pressing items checked off our to-do list. So thankful for him proposing this idea and being understanding as I play the role of crazy pregnant lady!
Other than acting like a basket case, I felt really good this week and had three good workouts so far including my first trip to prenatal yoga which I really enjoyed! While we were down visiting Randi and her family, she hooked Little Miss up with a lot of great things like onesies, swaddle blankets, a pink piggy bank (gift Avery picked out), and lots more.
Stack of itty bitty onesies from Randi!
Our newlywed friends Ashley and TJ came over this week for dinner and brought a gift including the cutest outfit for baby girl! Can't wait till she's here and can wear it!
Love the ruffles and matching bow on the jeans
Lots going on this week and even more to come over the next 19 weeks as we prepare for our baby girl!
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