Savannah has done a ton of growing this past month and she's no longer the sleepy and fragile newborn she was just a few weeks ago. At the doctor's this morning we saw a 3 day old baby that weighed just over 7 lbs and I can hardly remember when our little girl was that little. It seems so long ago but also just like it was yesterday.
Not impressed about being propped-up next to her elephant
"What the heck is this thing stuck on my belly?"
...and she's done!
As for her two months stats, she weighed 11 lbs. 5 oz. (holding steady at 50th percentile) and measured 23.75 inches long (98th percentile) today! The hubs was pumped when I told him how long she was and promptly got to googling. If she remains in the 98th percentile she'll be 5'10'' as an adult. The doctor said Savannah looked good and strong and we agree!
Next up were the shots. Baby girl got stuck with three needles and had one vaccine given orally. I was dreading this part of the appointment but aside from immediately crying when they gave the shots, once I scooped our little monkey up in my arms and gave her her paci she stopped crying. Relief. Since we got home from the doctor's she has been napping for the most part and hasn't been too fussy. Still, we plan to lay low today and take it easy after such a traumatic morning (for both mom and baby).
Superhero and Spiderman band-aids for her boo boos :(
Hard at work during tummy time
Over the last month we've been doing a lot more tummy time which is definitely helping our baby girl get stronger by the day. Savannah is also much more aware of her surroundings and really noticing her body parts like her hands and feet too. It's so amazing to watch her notice a nearby toy or picture on the wall and zone in on it. Also this month Savannah has been smiling up a storm which is pretty much the best thing in the world and she's finding her voice and making lots of coos and ahhhs.
Savannah has been consistently (knock on wood) sleeping through the night which makes me and the hubs very happy! She typically goes down around 8pm and gets up around 5am -- we'll take it! During the day, she typically takes short 30-45 minute naps and eats about every 3 hours. She's awake for much longer stretches now which equates to long walks with mom and Brownie and lots of playtime and singing. Our little monkey is still sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed but we have plans this week to transition her to her crib...wish us luck!
It was a very busy month filled with her Aunt De and Don Al's gorgeous wedding, a wonderful visit from her Zia Jenny and her first trip to the zoo! We've packed away just about all the newborn clothes and are solidly in 0-3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.
This month we've learned....
- Nursing under the nursing cover may as well be considered torture to our little monkey.
- Never leave home without a change of clothes for baby in the diaper bag.
- Amazon Prime is the best thing that ever happened for new parents.
- Bath time must be strategically timed between feedings and naps.
- Packing up newborn clothes will make you shed a few tears.
- Nothing is more rewarding than a gummy baby smile.
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