Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Savannah's Eleven Month Update!

Oh baby, our baby is eleven months old!

What a month is was! We officially have a walker! 

New walking shoes!

At the end of the month Mommy and Savannah flew up to Maine for cousin Courtenay and Andrew's wedding. Dad couldn't go because he had an important work trip to California. Before we left, the hubs predicted Savannah would walk while we were in Maine but I assured him she was nowhere near walking. Well, on day 1 (February 25th) in Maine that sneaky little baby took 5 or 6 steps and the rest of the trip was filled day and night with her practicing her new skill. 

Here's the best video caught of Savannah walking in Maine by Randi

Savannah had a great time in Maine especially at the wedding where she enjoyed dancing, watching the flower girl twirl around in her dress, and pointing at the moose in the lobby of Point Lookout Resort. 

With Mommy, Zia Jenny and the moose

The only hiccups during the trip were nighttime sleep (ugh, teething) and some separation anxiety when mom wasn't around. Otherwise, it was a great trip that was extended by a day and a half due to bad weather. 

Not a fan of the snow

A few more updates....

TEETH: Savannah had stalled at two teeth since around seven months old but number three finally busted through in Maine (good eye Uncle Brian) and I think number four is on its way.

EATING: Savannah is all about food this month. If we are eating, she wants it and it's amazing how much food this little girl can put down! One day in Maine she ate an egg, banana and half a piece of toast for breakfast!  We introduced some gluten to #paleobaby this month so that she doesn't get sick on her 1st birthday when she tries cake for the first time. She's had cheerios, bread with peanut butter, pasta, and crackers. Savannah is eating three solid meals a day plus a snack or two at school. She hasn't really cut back on breastmilk at all but in another month we'll start the transition to whole milk. 

"I love zoodles!"

ACTIVITY: busy busy busy. Savannah loves to climb the stairs, pull everything out of the kitchen cabinets, and chase after Brownie! She loves books and anything that plays music. 

"Mom, I found the plastic bags!"

COMMUNICATION: Savannah can say Mama, Dada, Doggy, HIIIIIIII, and shake her head no. Also, she likes to point at everything! 

Things we learned this month...

  • Flying alone with a baby isn't so bad especially when you have snacks and new toys in your arsenal!
  • Baby shoes aren't cheap but they sure are cute.
  • Only serve zoodles and sauce on bath night.
  • 10.5 months is a good time to finally give up the third nap.
  • We miss Dad when we don't see him for 6 days. 

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