This week our little girl weighs 3.74 pounds and is almost 17 inches long -- about the size of a large jicama! Baby Wotring now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair. Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for her arrival. She's busy practicing skills she'll need to thrive out in the real world -- from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking.
Sunday afternoon in Baby School!
On Sunday, we had our childbirth class and while it made for a long day to be sitting in plastic chairs for 6 hours, we both learned a lot and feel more prepared for what we may encounter on D-Day. The class was run by an older woman who has been a labor and delivery nurse for something like 40 years. She's retired now but teaches various childbirth/baby classes for the INOVA hospital system. She was pretty engaging and really made you feel comfortable and free to ask questions which was good because I had a bunch of them! The last part of class was all about practicing various breathing and relaxation techniques which will definitely be useful for both of us!
I was very impressed with the hubs. He only had a visible reaction to one of the videos we watched (get used to it, punkin) but otherwise he was into it, took notes and he's all into writing out our birth plan so we know the type of experience we would ideally like to have. I know he's going to be an amazing support for me on D-Day and a great dad to our little nugget!
32 week belly
Lots of people have been asking us if we've decided on a name for Baby Wotring and while we are close, this indecisive mom-to-be is scared we'll decide on a name, share it with the peeps in our little world, and then I'll inevitably come across a name I like even more or when Baby Girl arrives I'll look at her and think, that's not the right name! Is this normal? I'm thinking it's probably pretty normal to second-guess yourself on something so important as the name your child will have for the rest of his or her life...
I've been noticing some Braxton Hicks contractions this week and feel like my belly doubles in size from morning to night but still feel great and energy seems normal as does sleep! I was craving fresh berries and almond butter this week so satisfied both on my weekly grocery run to Trader Joe's. I also had a random craving for coffee cake over the weekend but didn't do anything about it. Low and behold, one of my coworkers read my mind and left some mini coffee cake bites in this kitchen yesterday -- score! I'm up another 1/2 pound bringing me to an even 20 pounds gained!
Such a cute invite!
My wonderful sister-in-law and mother-in-law are hosting a co-ed baby shower for us this weekend at the lake and we are both so excited for it! We've got lots of really special people that are traveling there to celebrate Baby Wotring with us -- we are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives!