This week our little nugget is measuring about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3 pounds -- about the size of a head of cabbage! Our little girl is now regulating her own body temperature so she's beginning to shed lanugo, which is the downy body hair that has kept her warm up until now. Baby girl's eyesight continues to develop too, though it's not very keen at the moment (sort of like her momma). Even after birth, she will respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision -- compared to normal adult vision which is 20/20 like her dad -- and only make out objects a few inches from her face.
Where do we stand this week?
Sleep = Great
Mood = Happy
Weight = Up 1 lb
Cravings = applesauce & oranges
Movement = non-stop (wondering when she actually sleeps?!)
Symptoms = itchy stomach and crazy thirst
I'd say the biggest thing happening this week is extreme thirst! I've always been a big water-drinker but this week I just can't seem to get enough. Non-pregnant Amy usually drinks about 48 ounces of water while at work (not counting my coffee) but this week I've been drinking twice that amount! That's right people, 96 ounces over the course of 8 hours and I could probably drink more except then I'd probably be spending more time in the bano than at my desk! I asked the doctor about it this morning though and she assured me it's fine and to drink up.
Need more agua!
Since I hadn't heard anything, I also asked her about my gestational diabetes test and she said I passed...YES!
Baby girl and I are heading to Maine
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