Thursday, March 6, 2014

Baby Wotring - 37 Weeks!

Oh baby, we are getting close!

This week Baby Wotring weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches -- about the size of a bunch of swiss chard! Our little nugget won't be considered "full term" until 39 weeks which will give her brain and lungs a little more time to fully mature. Baby girl is busy rehearsing her big debut, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get her lungs ready for that first breath), sucking, blinking, and turning from side to side.

WARNING: TMI AHEAD. The hubs and I went to my 37 week appointment this morning. After waiting a bit, I got called back to check my weight (officially up 25 lbs) and blood pressure (normal at 120/77). My doctor saw us pretty soon after and asked how I've been feeling. I told her really good except I think I was fighting a stomach bug at the beginning of the week and explained the symptoms. She said given that I was already 1 cm last week, the "stomach bug" I thought I had might actually have been contractions and my body preparing for baby. Upon further examination, she said that was probably the case because I am at 3 cm! HOLY!

The doctor told us to be prepared for the little one to come sooner rather than later given how I've progressed over the last week but she said there is always the possibility I stay at 3 cm for another few weeks. She walked us through what we need to pay attention for and when to call the doctors if we think I'm in labor. I don't think the hubs nor I were prepared to hear Baby Wotring could be making her arrival soon so it took a few minutes for us to process the information which is both exciting and scary!

Leaving the Hill at 5pm and getting caught in rush hour calls for a treat #pregnancycraving

I had a slew of meetings on Capitol Hill in the afternoon which helped keep my mind off the fact that we still have a few things (stocking the freezer with meals, cleaning, a pedicure for momma, etc) we want to get done before Baby Wotring arrives! I think baby girl is pretty content where she's at and won't be making her arrival for at least another couple weeks.  The hubs is pretty sure she'll be here by next weekend. I guess only time will tell!

See you next Thursday for the 38 week update....if not sooner!

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