Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby Wotring - 39 Weeks!

Here we are again....another week gone by and no baby!

This week Baby Wotring is just waiting to greet the world! She's measuring around 20 inches long and weighs a bit over 7 pounds -- still about the size of a small watermelon! Our little girl continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth and the outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. Baby girl's brain is still growing at an astonishing rate, a pace that will continue for the first three years of her life.

The belly is definitely making me feel like I'm 39 weeks pregnant right now! My mobility has taken a hit the last week or two and it's obvious when I try to bend over or get up off the couch. On Tuesday I was on Capitol Hill for my last hill meeting before baby and was pretty ticked off when Capitol Police made me take off my boots to go through the metal detector! All winter I've been wearing these boots and never have I been asked to take them off and now, when I'm 39 weeks pregnant, I'm forced to. Ugh! There is no way the officer didn't sense my annoyance with his request especially when I bitterly asked if there was somewhere I could sit to put them back on. I mean, hello, it's not so easy for a pregnant lady to balance and put on tall boots while standing! I know they are just doing their job but do I really seem like a threat?!

Ready to be a Big Sister! 

At our 39 week appointment this morning the doctor was once again very surprised that baby girl hasn't arrived yet. I'm still 3 cm and 90% effaced so he said it could be anytime (which is obviously what they keep telling us!). We are trying to be patient and reminding ourselves that we haven't even made it to Baby Wotring's due date so there is no need to rush the little nugget quite yet.

Weekends and donuts just go together

Last weekend we met up with one of our super talented friends on Capitol Hill to take some maternity photos. I had debated in my head whether we should take pictures for awhile now but I'm glad we did it and I'm excited to see how they come out! Basically I wanted a few photos of me and the hubs that we could look back on since going a pregnancy is quite the journey to go through together as a couple! I'll share as soon as we get them from the wonderful Preeti!


  1. You look great while you smuggle that basketball! Hope your nugget arrives soon!

  2. I'm working on them!! Hopefully I'll get them to you soon!!! :)
