Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Bipartisan Duo

If you had told me in college I’d marry a real, live registered Republican I’d have laughed in your face and probably went on a small tirade sprinkled with a generous amount of profanity.  So isn’t it amazing at my first job out of college I met my future husband, the Republican. Now I’ll be honest, when we first met, we were not smitten with each other.  If you don’t believe me, ask some of our friends/former colleagues who witnessed countless arguments during beer filled happy hours. Looking back, I was an out of touch 23 year old who thought she knew everything that motivated people’s political beliefs.  

 Early in our dating years

Fast forward about a year from when we first met. We had both moved on to new jobs and the Republican started courting me. During this entire time, I’d call home and tell my Madre stories about him and only after we got engaged did she tell me she knew I “had a thing” for him when he made his way into our weekly calls.

The husband and I don’t agree on many political issues. Our life experiences have helped shape our political beliefs and as life experiences go, ours are very different. However, we share many of the same values and even when we fiercely disagree with the other on an issue, we have learned in our wise thirty-one years to respect other people’s opinions.  

 (Proof that yes, sometimes he thinks I'm crazy)

I am not saying we never argue; we absolutely do. In our six years together we have frustrated each other beyond words in discussing everything from taxes to healthcare to Hillary Clinton’s scrunchies. What we’ve learned along the way, I think, is that fighting gets you nowhere. When you dig your feet in the sand and refuse to inch towards the other person, no one wins. You reach a stalemate. If you follow Congress, you know what I’m talking about. The husband and I have learned to listen to each other and make small concessions. Not only has this helped in political arguments, but it’s beneficial to our marriage and how we work through issues together. 

Donkey bride and elephant groom courtesy of a lovely friend

So there you go. I’m married to a Republican and he’s married to a proud Democrat. Our future children are destined to despise politics.

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