Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Things recess is good for...

Recess. It’s a lovely thing. For those of you not in tune with the DC definition of recess, let me shed some light. Similar to when you were in grade school and viewed recess as a sort of free for all to do whatever the heck you wanted be it hang out on the swings, play a game of tag, socialize etc, Congressional recess for Capitol Hill staffers and government relations professionals – like yours truly – means a lot of free time to catch up on all things work and life.

With Members of Congress out of town and in their districts schmoozing with constituents till September, things slow to a halt in our nation’s capital and provide the perfect opportunity for short days, long lunches and casual attire. But given that summer recess spans twenty-four work days this year, what better thing to do than share some fun and productive things to do this August recess.

1. Start a blog (done!)

2. Plan upcoming vacations, bachelorette weekends, dinner parties etc

3. Shop

4. Set-up online budget – necessary after all that shopping

5. Facebook stalk old friends/colleagues

6. Catch up on non-work related news/reading

7. Find and try new dinner recipes (switching it up at Sweetgreen or Chipotle doesn’t count)

8. Dust off that gym membership

9. Email that old friend/colleague you were stalking and set-up a coffee date

10. Schedule that long overdue doctor or dentist appointment

August recess is sacred in DC. Busy DC types anticipate its arrival for weeks complaining about how incredibly busy they are and how they are counting down the days till their recess vacation to (insert Maryland or OBX beach town here). Recess passes quickly though, so use the time wisely! Now, if you need me, I'll be checking out the online summer sale at JCREW!

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