Monday, October 14, 2013

Baby Wotring - 16 weeks!

Second week in a row I'm late with the weekly update but it was another busy weekend celebrating the marriage of an awesome couple and the 1st birthday of our godson! 

This week Baby Wotring is the size of an avocado and in the next couple weeks will double his or her weight and add inches in length. Also, the patterning of the baby's scalp has begun, though hair isn't recognizable yet. 

I had my 16 week appointment this week and everything looked great. After taking down my weight (total gain so far 5 lbs) and blood pressure, the doctor took some other measurements and I listened to the baby's heartbeat. The doctor guessed the baby was a boy based on my lack of morning sickness during the first trimester and the baby's heartbeat but obviously her guess is as good as mine. I told her we'd know in 4 weeks and for now I was just happy everything was looking good. 

Bump definitely visable this weekend prior to the wedding festivities

This week I was feeling a little moody as I'm sure my husband will attest to. Despite the crabbiness and four days of straight rain, we had a nice night out celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. At dinner we talked about how next year we'll be celebrating as a family of four (can't forget about Brownie) which brings a smile to my face just thinking about! My pre-pregnancy wardrobe is slowly starting to feel too snug and there are a few pants, shirts, dresses and skirts that I just cannot wear anymore but I knew it was a matter of time so I guess I better start embracing elastic waistbands! 


  1. She guessed ben was going to be a boy!

    1. Well we'll find out in less than three weeks if she's two for two!
