Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Recap

Well despite the fact the weekend went by waaaaay too fast (per usual) we had a great low-key couple of days and managed to be semi-productive in the process!

Our mission on Saturday was operation crib. We decided checking out some cribs for Baby Wotring in person might help us find a middle-ground so we found ourselves trekking through Target, Toy-R-Us and Babies-R-Us. We found a few we both liked but I don't think we've decided on "the one" yet. By the end of our adventure Ray was feeling a little tired and volunteered to test out a few gliders. As you can tell, I think he found a winner.

Shhhhh, he's sleeping

After a few more errands, we headed home to relax and give Brownie some love and attention.  Later that evening we headed back out for a date night I planned for the two of us. It's been well over a year since we've done the good ole' fashioned 'dinner and a movie' date so we headed to the new Mosaic District in Fairfax. We started with dinner at Matchbox and shared a cobb salad with ribeye steak and their prosciutto and black mission fig pizza. Soooo good! Love the salty and sweet combination on the pizza. I think we finished every last bite. We were running a little early for the movie so despite the chilly temps we stopped and enjoyed some gelato before heading to the Angelika Film Center for 12 Years a Slave which was an amazing movie -- I highly recommend it. The theater we went to is brand new and definitely fancier than your run of the mill movie theater.

All movie theaters should have giant chandeliers in their atriums

On Sunday I stumbled downstairs in search of coffee and you would have thought it was my birthday because I was greeted by the husband making me breakfast! I hungrily ate it before thinking of taking a picture but picture a steaming cup of pumpkin coffee with almond milk and a delicious plate of scrambled eggs with peppers and onions, a naval orange and a gluten free waffle with real maple syrup. Very thankful for my sweet husband!

The rest of the day was spent cleaning, cooking, watching football and World Series baseball in the evening. Sad the weekend is over but thankful another one will be here in no time!

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