Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby Wotring - 17 weeks!

WOW! I can't believe how quickly we are approaching the halfway point -- it seems like we just found out we were expecting sweet little Baby Wotring!

This week Baby Wotring weighs about 5 ounces and is about the size of a turnip (about 5 inches long from head to bottom). The baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and he/she can move his/her joints and sweat glands are starting to develop.

I got hit hard this week by sickness. It started with a headache and sore throat lasting a few days but quickly progressed to painful sinus pain/pressure and congestion. After a few visits to the pharmacy, I realized a lot of typical OTC medications are off limits for pregnant women so I made an appointment with my doctor and it was confirmed I had my first ever sinus infection. I knew the level of sinus pain I was experiencing wasn't normal and I was happy when my doctor told me there are safe antibiotics to treat sinus infections during pregnancy. After just two days on the medication I'm feeling better and slept MUCH better last night compared to the last five nights. Best of all, it's reassuring to know the medication is fine for Baby Wotring.

My best "I'm sick" look! 

Total weight gain stayed at 5 lbs this week. I blame my sickness and lack of appetite. For several days, chicken soup, popsicles and cough drops were the only things I wanted to consume. I don't think I mentioned it last week but we made a decision on daycare and sent in our application and deposit! We won't know for a few more months if we are officially "in" but it's looking good so far and we've got our fingers crossed it all works out. We chose Merritt Academy which is a daycare and private school in Fairfax. It's close to home and we loved the environment and focus on stimulating activities to enhance our baby's development at such a young age.

This week I started investigating cribs too as it seems some can be on back order for weeks or even months. Here are a few under consideration.


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