Thursday, February 6, 2014

Baby Wotring - 33 Weeks!

Welcome to 33 weeks!!!
No block pic this week or next, we are missing some numbers

This week our little nugget has just passed the 17-inch mark and weighs a little over 4 pounds -- about the size of a pineapple! Baby Wotring is gaining roughly half a pound a week right now and her little skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap which is necessary in order for her to fit through the birth canal. The baby app tells me these bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as baby girl's brain and other tissues expand during infancy and childhood.

Post-yoga belly pic

Last week I dreamed we were having a boy so you better believe when we had our ultrasound last Friday I asked the nice technician to please confirm Baby Wotring was in fact still a girl -- she is! Our daughter is such a little busy-body and was moving all around the entire time we were there. The technician (and the hubs and I) got a kick out of her since baby girl would literally poke back when she moved the wand over her. Everything looked great and the little one was head down which is where we want her to be and stay! I also had my 32 week appointment that day and I'm still measuring right where I should and the doctor said everything was good.

Donkey wants a ride in the mamaroo

Over the last week I've definitely been feeling more pregnant. I notice it in subtle ways like when I bend over to put my shoes on or when I peel myself off the couch in the evening. It's feeling a little more difficult to do some of those everyday type activities with a belly in the way! I've also been missing sleeping on my back and belly. I woke up a few mornings this week with sore hips which I think is a result of sleeping on my side. Once I get moving the soreness goes away which is good but I'll be happy once baby girl is here and mama can sleep however she wants again (even if it is for just 1-2 hour increments)!

Maybe I can talk the hubs into doing a book review ;)

The hubs was super productive this week putting together some of the gifts we received at our shower last weekend and we both agree it's nice to come downstairs and see baby stuff in our living room! The hubs has also been busy reading a book my SIL and soon-to-be BIL gave him entitled, Dude You're a Dad! He seems really into it and is sharing a lot of what he's reading with me. We've been having fun discussing some of the topics and baby facts we weren't familiar with!

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