Thursday, February 20, 2014

Baby Wotring - 35 Weeks!

Oh boy girl, I can't believe we only have five weeks left!

35 Weeks

This week Baby Wotring is over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds -- about the size of a honeydew melon! The little nugget is running out of room to maneuver now but that doesn't stop her from making her presence known on a very regular basis.  Our little girl's kidneys are fully developed and her liver can process some waste products as of this week. Basic physical development is now mostly complete -- her main job over the next few weeks is to put on weight! 

Shop till you drop...or buy everything in BRU! 

Last weekend we made an epic trip to Babies R Us and picked up a cart-full of things for Baby Wotring that we still needed. I tell ya, babies need lots of STUFF! We got most of it put away/set-up and started doing baby laundry. Our goal is to finish washing all her clothes, blankets, sheets etc and pack our hospital bags this weekend so we are ready for baby girl's arrival. We're pretty close to putting the finishing touches on her room too and I'd be lying if I didn't say I absolutely LOVE it! 

This week I've been running to the bano what seems like every 20 minutes. Last night, we had our hospital tour and had just gotten in the car when I made the hubs turn it around and pull up in front of the hospital entrance so I could run to the restroom. He thought it was a little strange how quickly the need to go came over me but I assured him I wouldn't make it home and this was his only option! 

35 week belly

We also had our rescheduled baby care class this week which went over some very helpful information like the five "S's" for calming a fussy baby (swaddling, side/stomach position, swinging, shushing, sucking). We had some interesting classmates and walked away feeling very confidant in our parenting abilities compared to some of the other parents-to-be in the room...

Baby Girl's balloon = Brownie's arch nemesis

Pink everything! 

Finally, I had a lovely lunch at Zaytinya (a Greek/Mediterranean tapas restaurant in DC) on Monday with some girlfriends. They got me some gorgeous flowers and a fun balloon to celebrate the little nugget on her way. You ladies are too good to me and Baby Wotring is lucky to have her some fabulous "aunties." 

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