Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Wotring - 36 Weeks!

Here we are at nine months!

This week, Baby Wotring has continued to pack on the pounds at the rate of one ounce per day. She measures around 18 1/2 inches long and weighs almost 6 pounds - about the size of a head of romaine lettuce! Our little nugget has been shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body as well as the vernix (a waxy substance that protects the skin during her nine month bath in amniotic fluid). At the end of the week, Baby Girl will be considered "early term." Most of her systems are ready for prime time at this point though with the exception of her digestive system -- it has done only practice runs so far -- which will kick into gear after her first feeding after birth.

Black ain't slimming when you're nine months! 

WARNING: TMI AHEAD. Boogie on down to the next paragraph if you don't want to hear about dilation etc. I had my 36 week appointment today and it went really well.  Baby's heartbeat was strong around 150 beats a minute and I'm still measuring on track (24.5 pounds gained). The doctor asked if I had been experiencing any cramping or contractions and I said no and that I was still feeling really good except for a lot of pressure that makes me feel like I constantly need to run to the restroom. This was my first internal check and I was surprised when she told me I was already 1 cm dilated. She said at this point it's not a great indicator of when I'll actually have Baby Girl but she said I'm one of the lucky ones who progresses without realizing it and that that 1 cm probably cut 3 hours off my labor time. I'll take it! 

Our conference room should always be decorated in Baby Wotring's nursery color scheme

My appointment was in the late morning so I headed into the office afterwards and was wicked surprised this afternoon when my 2 o'clock meeting with my boss to discuss my maternity leave turned into a surprise baby shower with my entire department! The Fed(eral) Team did an awesome job planning the entire thing and keeping it a secret from me even though we sit mere feet away from each other. My amazing colleagues all chipped in and got us our video baby monitors and a gift card -- their generosity was very touching and MUCH appreciated! 

Layers of beautiful chocolaty, peanut buttery goodness

The Fed Team outdid themselves on serving up some delicious eats too! We had a table full of tasty dips and spreads...and let me tell you about the desserts. One of my teammates made three different kinds of homemade ice cream including salted caramel, dark chocolate and the ultimate (and my favorite of her creations) fluffernutter ice cream! Another teammate made adorable sugar cookies that couldn't have been more perfect if Martha Stewart had decorated them herself. And my other wonderful teammate, who is well aware of my love for all things peanut butter, made the ultimate chocolate peanut butter cake from Smitten Kitchen. Everything was so incredibly delicious and they made sure to send me home with some treats for the hubs. His eyes lit up when I walked through the door with the goods tonight! 

Too cute to eat...almost.

Watch out, Martha! 

I tell ya, if lobbying doesn't pan out for these ladies, they could open a bakery! 

It was such a wonderful day and Baby Wotring is a lucky little girl -- and so are her parents! Thanks to my ADA colleagues for going above and beyond for us! 

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